Friday, May 20, 2005

NYTimes series on social class

I haven't had a chance to read any of the three massive articles from this past week that have kicked off this series the Times is doing on class in America. I plan to read them on the plane to Kyiv tomorrow night.

Hopefully they won't disappear into the pay-to-play archives starting Sunday. Speaking of which, did you catch the news that the Times is going to start asking for a subscription fee to read their Op-ed columnists online. The nice thing is that subscribers to the print edition will get not have to pay the additional online subscription fee--and it seems that the online subscription will include access to the archives! So even though I think it's a bad move for the Times to limit online access (read Salon on the move here, and Kos on it here), it works out well for Anj and I.

Finally, on the topic of class in America, I borrowed a book titled Class (I think it's this one) from my man Jon Groat when I was in Ann Arbor last summer (see this SteadyBlogging post for some of the backstory). He highly recommended it, but I haven't read it yet (same with the other UofC classics he lent me).

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