Wednesday, September 07, 2005

the most important time in history...

Crazy and interesting times we're living through. Just finished Roth's "Plot Against
America" a couple weeks ago. One of his central themes: history tramples over the lives of those ordinary folk living through it.

Is Katrina and New Orleans a historical event on that grand scale? Just to remind you what else we got going on: Two openings on the Supreme Court, including the Chief Justice spot--and a nominee for that spot that could occupy the position for the next 30-40 years. A war in the heart of the Middle East. China's central bank controlling the fate of the US dollar. A nation with a nuclear arsenal headed by a military dictator, who could be overthrown and/or assassinated attempts by the ascendant Islamists in his country (and whose intelligence agency quite clearly proliferated the hell out of their
nuclear technology, and who sits across from another nuclear power.)

As for that subject line, check the full text here.

Juniorcooper, I know you like that line. Which reminds me: we've got to resurrect that project of building hip hop's lyrical allusion network.

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