Saturday, September 10, 2005

one market under god...

I don't if it's the long descent into middle age, finally making more than a grad student stipend, or just getting out in the world...but I'm no longer the raging leftist I once was. I'm even hearing the siren song of market-based solutions, and feeling a distrust of "big government." Peep Tierney's column from a week ago and tell me what you think. Here's the concluding paragraph:

"Private flood insurance has come to seem quaint in America, but in Britain it's the norm. If Americans paid premiums for living in risky areas, they'd think twice about building oceanfront villas. Voters and insurance companies would put pressure on local politicians to take care of the levees, prepare for the worst - and stop waiting for that bumbling white knight from Washington."

BTW, the subject line is the title of Thomas Frank's other book.

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