Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Drezner's tenure decision

juniorcopper, thanks for posting that post from Eric Zorn's blog about Drezner.

(Does Zorn have a UofC connection? He does have a connection to the math world--his grandfather is the Zorn of Zorn's Lemma. I remember reading a column he wrote about his grandfather which must have ran when we were in HP--just around the time I was sitting in White Hall and learning Zorn's Lemma.)

Somehow I missed the news about Drezner's tenure decision, even though I'm subscribed to his RSS feed. Just tonight came across two of his posts which discuss it. The first one was titled "So Friday was a pretty bad day..." and the 2nd "Seven days later..."

It's amazing that he was blogging about this a day after getting the news. Here is a nice quote from the first entry:

"[How are you feeling? Are you bitter at the U of C?--ed.] I’ve felt better. And -- duh -- yeah. That said, I will miss the students. The undergrads have been wonderful, and the grad students have been razor-sharp. At the moment, my biggest regret about all this is the knowledge that I’ve taught my last class at the university."

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