Friday, October 28, 2005

Def Jux DVD / Earplug / Flavorpill

This one is for Johnee.

I subscribe to way too many e-mail newsletters, and spend way too much time paging through them. I've got to cut cutting out ones that are low on the signal-to-noise ratio.

One that may or may not make the cut is Earplug, "a twice-monthly email magazine
dedicated to electronic music in all its incarnations". No idea how or when I ended up
on their website. In fact, I get not only Earplug, but also Flavorpill, which is a good weekly e-mail about interesting cultural happenings in your metro, and Boldtype, which is their literary newsletter. It's all sort of hipper than thou, but still good for info.

The latest had a short review of a new Def Jux DVD. I've never really gotten into that sort of hip hop, but I know Johnee is (or at least was). Scroll down in this issue.

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