Saturday, August 13, 2005

LA-SF by high speed train

In a previous post, I mentioned that I've been obsessing about public transit, and slipped in a mention of the proposal, the idea, the dream--that someday there could be a high speed rail line btwn downtown SF & downtown LA. No more dealing with the I-5: downtown to downtown in report from Sacto:

"The Legislature initially placed the bond measure on the November 2004 ballot, then decided the state's budget woes made a 2006 vote look better. Now a bill that would delay the vote until November 2008 has passed the Assembly and is awaiting action by the Senate.

The bond measure would provide $9 billion for high-speed rail, about half the money needed to build a line that could carry passengers between Los Angeles and San Francisco in about two and a half hours."

Now my math says that means about $18 billion for that train. Though the same article later quotes a price of $35 billion. Maybe something to do with inflation..

In any case: damn, we need that train..but taanstaafl, for sure. Who is going to pay for that sh*t? We've got to, somehow.

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